Industrial protection

How can we help you?

Chemical Protection

When working in chemical environments, worrying about whether workers are protected is not an option. Feel equipped with Ansell's comprehensive portfolio of chemical hand and body protection solutions.

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Personalized safety assessment lead to injury reduction, reduced costs to protect, increased compliance and PPE complexity reduction.

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In the news

Safety Briefing

November 28, 2018

Protect the hands that feed

Risk of injury through cut or other mechanical hazards, exposure to chemicals, thermal extremes and contact with bacteria, blood, grease and oil is common for food and beverage processing workers, making the utilisation of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) imperative.

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July 30, 2020

Are you double-gloving?

Industrial settings present a range of hazards that potentially threaten workers safety. This is amplified when multiple risk factors are present.

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January 22, 2018

Achieve Maximum Cut Protection

Every workplace presents a unique set of hazards and environments, so determining the most appropriate choice for each worker can be difficult. Our cut protection marketing director Paul Tierney sat down with us to discuss the tricky task of choosing the right gloves, whilst allowing the wearer to perform their tasks as required.

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