Double Gloving Best Practices for Surgery

Evidence cited in a 2014 Cochrane review shows that double indicator gloves compared to standard gloves reduce the number of perforations in one glove on average by 90%.1 Other studies have shown that double gloving may reduce the risk of intraoperative blood exposure to the healthcare worker by 6-fold to 13-fold.2 These are compelling reasons for double gloving to become universally recommended routine practice.2 As the majority of glove wearers do not perceive perforation of their gloves, some experts have recommended routine use of double gloving and also adoption of a glove perforation or breach indicator system.3

AnsellCARES Double Gloving video

Why O.R. staff should double glove

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Mischke C, Verbeek JH, Saarto A, Lavoie MC, Pahwa M, Ijaz S. Gloves, extra gloves or special types of gloves for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries in healthcare personnel. La base de datos Cochrane de revisiones sistemáticas. 2014;3:Cd009573
Daeschlein G, Kramer A, Arnold A, Ladwig A, Seabrook GR, Edmiston CE, Jr. Evaluation of an innovative antimicrobial surgical glove technology to reduce the risk of microbial passage following intraoperative perforation. American Journal Infection Control. 2011;39(2):98-103.
3  de Oliveira AC, Gama CS. Evaluación de la integridad de guates quirúrgicos durante una operación en un hospital de enseñanza brasileño American Journal of Infection Control. 2014;42(10):1093-1096.

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